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Introductory paragraph, etc. etc. etc. Now, I'm sure by now you're ready to jump into learning this new economy, so here are the best websites that have been recommended to me. But first, let's get into the history of economics. The Kingdom of France was one of the earliest modern economies with a capitalist system where farms were taken over by markets and some men began their careers in trade while some men began their careers in industry. This change came about with the effort on building roads and improving transportation networks which led to more trade. The French National Assembly, the legislature of the Kingdom of France, decided on some new economic policies which began freeing up markets (which had been controlled by cartels and guilds) and lowering tariffs on trade. The results of this were good for the Kingdom of France with French goods being sold more widely. However, this was not good for traditional producers who employed armies of workers in their traditional jobs. A problem arose here where the self-employed "petty bourgeois" producers began joining into unions to defend their interests against the new industrial capitalists. These unions led to a series of strikes across France which made the French government look bad. The French government was worried about the situation and asked a young economist named François Quesnay, a doctor of Medicine attached to the King's Household, to resolve the problems with the economy.In 1761 he published his famous "Tableau économique" or Economic Tableau. In 1762, this was published as "Du système des productions perpétuellement permanentes", translated as: "On perpetual motion". In many respects, this was a complete break from classical economics which looked at land as fixed in space and labour time as fixed in time. In this work, Quesnay looked at land as a mere factor of production and capital as a mere input into production. This led to his being dubbed the founder of "labour economics". In 1767, he published "Tableau économique" with a new section called "Mémoire relative aux salaires". In this work, Quesnay studied the conditions where wages could be paid in food or drink for manual labourers. This work is sometimes known as "Tableau économique et politique", or "Economic and political tableau". cfa1e77820

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