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There is a new music wave sweeping through the underground, and it's based on a complex, personal hybrid of math rock and electronic sounds. Today we're going to tell you all about this sound, explain what sets it apart from other genres, and offer some bands who have been making waves as of late that you need to check out as soon as possible! The sound that we're talking about is called Pindual Audio. We've been hearing a lot of buzz around this new genre lately- so much so that fellow music aficionados have been referring to the genre as the "new rock 'n roll". It is definitely a fresh sound that will most certainly evolve and change as time goes on, but for now we can expect to see some big things from this genre. As of late there have been a couple of bands making waves in this new music scene, and for this first part of our article we want to introduce you to two of those bands. The first band we want to mention is the incredibly talented guitar/keyboard duo known as Azusa. Azusa is a band that recently came onto our radar because of their striking similarity to another band that we are huge fans of, who are currently making waves in the math rock scene. The dynamic between the keyboardist and drummer in this band is incredible, and it makes for a sound that is incredibly unique. Check out one of their latest singles below, which you can expect to hear more about very soon! As you can tell, this is definitely a sound that you need to be paying attention to. We look forward to hearing more from the future output of the bands mentioned above, and we encourage anyone who is a fan of music in general to follow them as well! MINDSEED MUSIC – – – – – - http://mindseeddesignstudio.blogspot. com/ *  - This list will be updated continuously as other bands are discovered! If you are a fan of the genre, please feel free to add them in! Feel free to write me at if you have any suggestions or questions! "Solo recording promotion only"  * No self distribution places allowed.▲ - Artists that have no official distribution points.▼ - Artists that have both distribution points and solo releases.☆ - Artists that have solo releases, but no official distribution points. 45cfa1e7782010

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